Can Heat Destroy Mold Toxins?

Learn how heat affects molds and how to safely eradicate them from your kitchen and home.

Can Heat Destroy Mold Toxins?

Molds are microscopic fungi that can thrive on high-acid foods such as jams, jellies, pickles, fruits and tomatoes. But these molds can be easily destroyed by thermally processing these foods at a temperature of 212°F in a boiling water canner for the recommended amount of time. While heat can kill mold, it doesn't get rid of it completely. The dormant mold will still be present and won't magically disappear.

What makes it difficult is that toxins produced by molds are resistant to heat. This means that cooking moldy foods will kill the molds, but the dangerous chemicals will remain in the food. So, it's important to treat all molds in food as if they were hazardous substances. It's important to keep an eye out for mold in your kitchen and home, and if you detect signs of mold, take steps to safely eradicate it.

If you're going to cut the mold instead of discarding the item, remember that there's more mold present than you can see. For example, mold thrives anywhere where there is a leak and can easily transfer from a corner and attack your food. White mold is found in a variety of foods, from white mold that is purposefully grown on the outside of certain cheeses to the spongy white mold that appears on berries and other fruits. But when there is only one particle of mold or a very thin layer, two main food groups can be distinguished.

For these foods, you can cut through the mold but should cut at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) outside and below any visible mold surface. Allergic reactions to mold can include sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, coughing, runny nose, and throat, and dry, scaly skin. Some remediation companies claim that dead mold inside your walls won't affect you. But both chemicals and heat should be used to kill mold for effective remediation.

Many strains of mold can appear white and many colored molds can go through a phase where they appear white before developing their color. However, if there is another mold that is not part of the manufacturing process, these items should be discarded like any other alert food. It can have a strong smell and be particularly irritating for people with allergies. Other foods, especially those that are harder and drier, can sometimes be preserved once the mold has been carefully removed.

Lydia Bouley
Lydia Bouley

Amateur bacon trailblazer. Award-winning music junkie. Subtly charming pop culture fanatic. Hardcore travel evangelist. Amateur pop culture enthusiast.

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