How do you test if mold is making you sick?

A blood test, sometimes called a radioallergosorbent test, can measure the immune system's response to mold by measuring the amount of certain antibodies in the bloodstream known as immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. Are you sick and suspect it could be due to mold? The doctor will do a health evaluation and medical history, and order a blood test.

How do you test if mold is making you sick?

A blood test, sometimes called a radioallergosorbent test, can measure the immune system's response to mold by measuring the amount of certain antibodies in the bloodstream known as immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. Are you sick and suspect it could be due to mold? The doctor will do a health evaluation and medical history, and order a blood test. Antibodies in the patient's body will be tested for a reaction to mold and other allergens and poisons. The severity of the reaction will also be determined.

Most mold removal companies will recommend demolishing the infected part of the house to literally get rid of the mold, so keep in mind that you may have to make additional expenses to restore part of the house. If your symptoms go away or decrease when you're out and about, you may have a mold problem, yes, even if you can't see it. Whether you just got rid of mold or don't want to see it in your home again, you should know the rules for preventing mold. If the problem is more than mild, home methods will most likely only get rid of the appearance of mold for a short period of time.

To see if you have a problem with mold, you can ask a local mold testing company to do an inspection and air quality test. While symptoms of mold exposure are not uncommon (some studies suggest that mold allergies can affect up to 24 percent of the population), many health professionals struggle to determine the cause of these symptoms. When indoor mold levels are high compared to outdoor levels, or when there are more harmful varieties of mold, allergies and other health problems can occur. Because the symptoms of mold allergy or exposure to mold may look like other allergies, your doctor usually starts by asking you about your medical and family history.

One thing most doctors will recommend is that you get tested and, if necessary, that you get rid of any mold-related illnesses that are unhealthy from your home. If you notice that there is mold in your home and you feel sick, immediately tell your doctor about the mold and your symptoms. It's important to seek immediate medical attention when you notice any symptoms of mold poisoning, as long-term exposure to mold can lead to serious health problems. People with this chronic respiratory disease may have symptoms of mold poisoning after inhaling only a small amount of mold spores.

Once the sources of moisture that cause mold growth have been identified, it must be repaired and the mold removed.

Lydia Bouley
Lydia Bouley

Amateur bacon trailblazer. Award-winning music junkie. Subtly charming pop culture fanatic. Hardcore travel evangelist. Amateur pop culture enthusiast.

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