What Temperature Will Kill Mold?

Learn what temperature kills mold and how to get rid of it with expert advice from this comprehensive guide. Find out what type of mold you have and how to choose the right temperature for killing it.

What Temperature Will Kill Mold?

Most yeasts and molds are sensitive to heat and can be destroyed by temperatures ranging from 140 to 160°F (60 to 71°C). However, some molds produce heat-resistant spores and can survive heat treatments in pickled plant products. Generally speaking, mold cannot grow if the temperature drops below forty degrees Fahrenheit. This is why many refrigerator settings are set to thirty-nine degrees.

The ideal temperature for mold growth is between seventy-seven and eighty-six degrees Fahrenheit, especially when there is high humidity in the air. To effectively kill mold spores, temperatures must rise above 100 degrees or drop below freezing. The National Association of Realtors stated that a temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) would kill most of the mold. However, a 1987 report by a Stanford University researcher revealed that mold dies at temperatures below freezing.

When it comes to killing mold, heat is not always the best option. A central heater emits enough heat to lower the average humidity throughout the house, but it doesn't eliminate mold directly. Mold isn't active at temperatures below zero even if it doesn't die, but it can live in some cases even when it's inactive. There are different types of mold, and depending on the species of mold that is growing, it might be better suited to growing in cold temperatures.

If you want to make sure that you can kill mold with heat, check if it's a heat-resistant strain. Extremely cold temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit or 0 degrees Celsius can kill mold spores or leave them dormant. Most types of mold die at temperatures of 140°F (60°C) or higher when exposed for a sufficient period of time. Some mold spores can withstand heat, and you may need to reach a temperature close to 200 degrees Fahrenheit to kill them.

Extreme temperatures easily eliminate bacteria and mold, but treatment is relegated to a specific area. If you're looking for the best way to get rid of mold instantly, you should use an ammonia-free detergent and hot water to rinse the area and disinfect the clean surface with a 10% bleach solution. Both chemicals and heat can be used to kill mold, but neither should be the sole source of mold remediation. While there are no exact conclusions about what temperature kills mold, experts generally agree that extreme heat and cold can prevent mold from growing. After cleaning and replacing parts, if you want to make sure that you have killed all the mold, put them in an oven at 180°F for a few minutes.

Lydia Bouley
Lydia Bouley

Amateur bacon trailblazer. Award-winning music junkie. Subtly charming pop culture fanatic. Hardcore travel evangelist. Amateur pop culture enthusiast.

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